Open Calls Results for LSPs in Europe

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Open calls in the context of IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme are a funding mechanism (also called cascading funding) with European dimension whose ambition is to create and expand a global market for IoT solutions.

This website analyses the results of the open calls and how the funds are being divided up for the projects. It shows the make-up of the open calls, showing the application and the awarding process to guarantee transparency.

It analyses many different aspects such as the type of organisation, the awarded funding budget, the country which the funding has been awarded to and how much funding each project will receive.

New in 2020: Geographical Coverage on Open Calls results is Included Now!

Total cost LSP Program
Open Call Budget
LSP Total Budget

Compiled Analytic Results

This page takes into consideration the available data regarding the European LSP open calls and analyses it as a whole.

Total LSP Budget

Project Budgets vs Open Call

% of Open Call Funding

The following are the Large Scale Pilot Projects
CLICK ON the corresponding Project logo to know more about the Open Calls Analytic Results


The analytics results presented in this website are only for informative/statistical purposes and are brought to you by CREATE-IoT in coordination with the IoT-LSP Projects. Its content is maintained and updated regularly and compared with reliable information sources to keep up to date, but does not surpass any official information or report provided directly in the EU IoT-LSP project and/or from the European Commission sources.

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